Obama Visits Boston
for Fundraisers

March 5, 2014 - President Obama and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick disembark from Air Force One at Logan Airport. (Taylor Hartz/BU News Service)
March 5, 2014 – President Obama and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick exit Air Force One at Logan Airport. (Taylor Hartz/BU News Service)

BOSTON – President Obama landed at Logan Airport this afternoon to attend fundraisers in Boston and Cambridge. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh  greeted the president and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick after Air Force One touched down at 4:18 p.m. Patrick arrived with the president who had earlier made an appearance in Connecticut at an event for New England governors. Obama is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in Cambridge and will headline a fundraising dinner at the Artists for Humanity EpiCenter.

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