The Unspeakable Horror of Mercury’s South Pole, or Astronomy for Lovecraftians

The unknowable!
Photo courtesy of NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

By Sara Knight
BU News Service

This past year NASA sent a spacecraft about the size of a standard office desk (4.5’ x 6’ x 4’) equipped with eight observational instruments into Mercury’s orbit. The spacecraft, dubbed MESSENGER, was tasked with reporting back information about that rocky little planet’s geology, magnetosphere, polar deposits, and exosphere.

The MESSENGER team succeeded – it found evidence of past massive volcanic activity, measured Mercury’s core for the first time (it takes up 85% of the planet’s radius), and even found indications that Mercury’s core may be partially liquid.

This is all good news for astronomers and the occasional Mercury aficionado (they must be out there) but why would a Lovecraftian care? Well, the MESSENGER mission also led to the team naming nine previously unglimpsed craters on Mercury’s South Pole. And as directed by the International Astronomical Union’s naming conventions, the craters’ titles honored deceased artists, musicians, painters, and authors.

Image from Wikimedia Commons
American horror author H. P. Lovecraft.

Rachel Klima, a planetary geologist on the MESSENGER team and a woman of impeccable literary taste, was particularly inspired by one of these craters, which due to its depth and position is cast eternally in shadow – creating a deep, frigid hole of unknowable features. She christened the crater “Lovecraft,” after H. P. Lovecraft, literary father of modern horror and namer of incomprehensible eldritch and celestial terrors.

Ok, so we didn’t actually find any unspeakable, unutterable terrors lurking on Mercury’s South Pole. But, who is to say if MESSENGER had audio capabilities it would not pick up on any “maddening beating of vile drums” or “thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes” coming from with the shrouded depths of the Lovecraft crater? Or perhaps we may have even found the site where “boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth” who “gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time” sits upon his black throne, the sight of which would most certainly drive us insane.

For now all we can see in the Lovecraft crater is darkness. But who can say what is looking back?

Fish Depth May Affect Mercury Content

A fish auction in Hawaii sells  local a local shallow swimmer called moonfish, or Opah. (Photo: C. Anela Choy).
A fish auction in Hawaii sells local a local shallow swimmer called moonfish, or Opah. (Photo: C. Anela Choy).

By Poncie Rutsch
BU News Service

For years, scientists have noticed that fish swimming the deep seas contain more mercury than their shallow swimming friends. Now, a recent study from the University of Michigan and the University of Hawaii shows why that discrepancy exists.

The researchers collected nine different fish species and measured the mercury accumulated in the fish tissue. The fish they collected ranged from a lanternfish, which swims as deep as five thousand feet below the surface, to flying fish, which leap out of the water and glide through the air.

Researchers used a large net to catch the nine species of fish tested for mercury in the study.  The net weighs 2000 pounds when it's dry, and consists of different bundles that can be selectively opened to catch fish at specific depths. (Photo: Jeff Drazen).
Researchers used a large net to catch the nine species of fish tested for mercury in the study. The net weighs 2000 pounds when it’s dry, and consists of different bundles that can be selectively opened to catch fish at specific depths. (Photo: Jeff Drazen).

The researchers used isotope analysis to determine what kinds of chemical reactions the mercury had undergone. They found that sunlight may help mercury to degrade and published their findings in Nature Geoscience at the end of August.

Fish eat mercury every day when they consume sea plants containing mercury-consuming bacteria. In a pristine environment, their mercury levels remain constant. But because of human activity, fish mercury levels have increased in the past hundred years.

Scientists worried about mercury in fish for decades and have been studying its origins. Mercury in the atmosphere exists in a vaporous, inorganic state that does not cause significant damage to humans. It settles on the sea’s surface, and collects on sea plants. Here tiny microbes digest the mercury and convert it to methylmercury, or organic mercury, which impairs human brain development. The microbes can convert mercury as deep as two thousand feet below the surface. Fish eat the sea plants with methylmercury accruing microbes, and the mercury accumulates in their tissue.

Because the mercury from each source undergoes different chemical reactions, each has a different chemical fingerprint. This makes it fairly easy for scientists to trace mercury in the atmosphere back to its source. The researchers started with the mercury in fish tissue and determined each reaction that had happened to it on its way to the fish.

Although mercury can cause significant damage to developing human brains, lead author Joel Blum said that the increasing mercury doesn’t seem to harm the fish themselves. “Yet,” he said, “if mercury levels double, will there even be fish?”

Previous research linked the mercury in Pacific fish to coal-fired power plants in Asia. According to co-author Brian Popp, mercury levels in Pacific fish are on the rise as Asian manufacturing continues to increase.

“But in the Atlantic,” Popp said, “we see the opposite, probably because of new regulations in North America and Europe.”

The research connects the mercury cycle to the fish we eat. Popp and Blum agree that because even tiny amounts of mercury can cause so much damage, understanding the cycle is vital for choosing which fish to eat and which to avoid.