Performer Follows Pianos Around The World October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Fabio Tedde plays a public piano in Brattle Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos across Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit, which has put temporary street pianos in over thirty cities in the past five years. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play them all — this his 38th in Boston and his 434th worldwide. (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Tourists stop to watch Fabio Tedde play a public piano in Harvard Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos around Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit, which has put temporary street pianos in over thirty cities in the past five years. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play them all — this his 37th in Boston and his 433rd worldwide. (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Fabio Tedde plays a public piano in Harvard Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos around Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit, which has put temporary street pianos in over thirty cities in the past five years. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play them all — this his 37th in Boston and his 433rd worldwide. (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Fabio Tedde plays a public piano in Brattle Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos spread across Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play them all. “99 percent of the time I improvise,” Tedde says, explaining that he used to read music but has long forgotten how. (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Fabio Tedde crosses a piano off of his master list in Harvard Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos spread around Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit, which has put temporary street pianos in over thirty cities in the past five years. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play each piano. “Now if I go to a city, “ says Tedde, “it’s boring because there are no pianos to play.” (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) October 4, 2013 CAMBRIDGE — Fabio Tedde covers a public piano to protect it from the rain in Brattle Square on Friday afternoon. There are 75 pianos across Boston for Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” exhibit, which has put temporary street pianos in over thirty cities in the past five years. Tedde, an Italian street performer, follows the piano exhibits and tries to play them all. (Photo by Poncie Rutsch.) (Click thumbnail to launch slideshow.)